Realising Gem Testing Techniques
The first print run of Gem Testing Techniques (GTT) was a long time coming. Alan first contemplated the idea of writing a book on gemmology in the '70s through his friendship with Eric Bruton. It would be a long wait until 2015 when the first edition of Gem Testing Techniques was finally published.
Alan's daughter Valerie was first involved in the late '80s with the book but the early digital self-publishing software did not lend itself to what Alan envisaged. Alan never stopped writing and researching the book in these intervening years but it wasn't until Valerie's career path led her to the world of design for print that she was able to help in her spare time beyond work and at holidays in order that Alan could realise his ambition of seeing his book published.
Alan had authored 'Visual Optics' (now out of print) prior to this but nothing as substantial as GTT. Alan has also contributed to many periodicals and journals through the decades and has lectured around the world.
The first edition of Gem Testing Techniques sold out quickly and we may have printed a new run before now if it wasn't for the global pandemic bringing so much disruption. As we are regularly asked when we will be printing, we thought perhaps there would now be the demand for a second print run in 2022.
The new print run is essentially unchanged from the initial edition. Alan asked for the correction of one error. This has been corrected in the reprint and that correction followed through to instances in the index. Page 392, Feld-18a, bytownite changed to labradorite.
Alan also wrote a new, single-page preface to this second printing. The colour of the cover was changed from blue to amethyst to give a visual distinction between the first and second print runs, and a head and tail band was added to the binding.
As with the first edition, the book has been printed and bound in Scotland. Prices of the print run, packaging and shipping have risen sharply increasing the price of this low-volume print run. The decision to print and bind in Scotland allowed control over quality and an assurance of working conditions in producing the book.
We hope you enjoy the book. The GTT team, including Alan, always enjoy hearing your thoughts on the book. You can leave a review on our Facebook page or write a comment on a Facebook post and we make sure Alan hears about them.
It brings the Hodgkinson family great pleasure to see demand allowing a second printing of Alan's book.
"It thrills me to think that gemmologists of all ages may find my book useful in exploring their passion for gemmology." Alan Hodgkinson